Anees Fathima

M.I. Anees Fathima

M.I. Anees Fathima
M.I. Anees Fathima, Assistant Professor, has the personality and motivation to deliver a high impact on the student community through mentoring and inculcating moral values. She has over two decades of experience and several International and National publications to her name.
Her specialties include Management Principles, Human Resources, marketing, and Strategic Management. Her knack for mentoring makes sure that every student in her class contributes to the topic covered.
M.Phil, Alagappa University, 2012
MBA, University of Madras, 2005
NET – UGC, 2011, 2012
SET, 2012
May 2019
“A Study on Store Brand Loyalty of Apparels in Chennai City” Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research, (UGC Approved Journal), Peer Reviewed & Referred Journal, Volume XIII, Issue V, ISSN NO 2278-4853, SJIF 2018 6.053 PP. 201-207
April 2019
“A Study on Brand Equity towards Swiss Watch”, “SAGAR International Journal of Management And Research” – Peer Reviewed &Referred Journal, Volume III, Issue 3, ISSN NO: 2456-2815,PP 19-25.
January-March 2019
“A Study on customer perception towards ETA Star Property Developers Ltd “, “SAGAR International Journal of Management And Research” – Peer Reviewed &Referred Journal, Vol No. III, Issue 3, ISSN NO 2456-2815, PP no02-08
December 2018
“Store Brand Loyalty: A Developmental Goal of Multi Brand Retail Stores” Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), An International open Access Journal & UGC Approved, Special Issue, PP NO. 79-90.
August 2017
“A Study on store Brand Loyalty of Apparels in Muti Brand Retail Stores”, Shanlax International Journal of Management, Volume No: 5, UGC Approved Journal No: 44278, PP: 285-290.
July 2017
“Conceptual and Contextual Dimensions of Store Brand Loyalty” MIM International Journal of Management Research, Special volume No. 3, ISSN: 2394-6997, PP-59- 71.
March 2016
“A Study on factors affecting Store Brand Loyalty”, International Journal of Business Intelligence and Innovations, Peer Reviewed, Volume.1, ISSN: 2348-4705, PP-73-85.
September 2012
Presented a paper on entitled, “Growth prospects of private label brands in Indian Retail Industry – An Innovative strategic perspective” in theInternational Conference on, “Strategic Trends on Innovations and Creativity in Management Practices”, organized by Anna University, Department of Management Studies, Chennai. On 10th& 11th of September 2012.
October 2012
Presented a paper titled, “Emergence of private label brands in Indian Retail Industry” on one day National Conference on “Global Environment & Sustainable Development with special Reference to HRD & HRM”, organized by JHA Agarsen College Madhavaram, Chennai and PG Research Department Economics, RKM Vivekananda College, Chennai on 30th October 2012.
January 2013
Presented a paper titled, “ Private Label Brands – A Strategic Reform in Retail Industry an Indian Perspective” in the International Conference on, “Changes, Challenges and Strategic Reforms in Management”, organized by PG Department of Business Administration, Mohammed Sathak College of Arts & Science, Chennai. On 30th& 31th January 2013.
March 2014
Presented a paper titled, “Theory Building of store brands – A Comprehensive study” in two days National Conference sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research on, “Millennium Development Goals (MDG) – Challenges and future” at Vels University, Chennai on 13th& 14th March 2014.
Presented a paper titled, “Impact of store brands on store loyalty – A Comprehensive Analysis” in National Conference sponsored by Indian council of social science Research on the topic, “ Millenium Development Goals” (MDC) – Challenges and Future. Organized by Vels University, Pallavaram, Chennai. On 13th& 14th March 2014.