Triumph – Sports Day
Sports Day
Sports and games are an important of a persons life contributing in enhancing the standard of life.Understanding the importance of sports, MIM promotes the sports activities and ensures the student participation. Playing competitive sports has also proven to increase the rate of positive academic achievement among the students and provides the students with a plethora of opportunities to maintain healthy & active lifestyle while pursuing academic goals. Meanwhile MIM organizes Triumph an annual sports meet aims at re-energizing students during their academic life and foster team spirit among the students & make them disciplined.
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MEASI Institute of Management organised the Sports Fest “Triumph 2018’’on 14.2.2018 and 15.2.2018.The sports day was inaugurated at 8.30.a.m and the Inaugural address was delivered by Janab Nasrullah Sahib, Sports Secretary, EC member, Measi Institute of Management. The sports day was declared open by Janab Nasrullah Sahib, Sports Secretary, EC member, Measi Institute of Management. Separate sports events both indoor and outdoor were conducted for men and women by the faculty of Measi Institute of Management.On the second day all the final events were conducted and the relay race and 100 mts race for men were conducted in the presence of Chief Guest Smt.M.Sunitha, Assistant Personnel Officer, Southern Railway, Former National Volleyball Champion, Janab T. Rafeeq Ahmed Sahib, Hon.

Secretary, MEASI Institute of Management, Janab Elias Sait Sahib, Hon. Treasurer, MEASI Institute of Management and Dr.D.NisarAhmed, Director, MEASI Institute of Management. After the relay race the Valedictory function started with all the dignitaries, Chief Guest Smt.M.Sunitha, Assistant Personnel Officer, Southern Railway, Former National Volleyball Champion, Janab T. Rafeeq Ahmed Sahib, Hon.Secretary, MEASI Institute of Management, Janab Elias Sait Sahib, Hon. Treasurer, MEASI Institute of Management and Dr.D.NisarAhmed, Director, MEASI Institute of Management and Janab Nasrullah Sahib, Sports Secretary, EC member, MEASI Institute of Management. After the Chief Guest’s Valedictory address the trophies and medals were delivered to the winners of various games followed by vote of thanks and finally the event was concluded with a photo session ,along with the Chief Guest and the faculty members of MEASI Institute of Management.
Over all champion trophy received by section ‘A ‘II MBA students from Chief Guest Smt.M.Sunitha, Assistant Personnel Officer, Southern Railway, Former National Volleyball Champion, in the presence of Janab T. Rafeeq Ahmed Sahib, Hon.Secretary, MEASI Institute of Management, Janab Elias Sait Sahib,Hon. Treasurer, MEASI Institute of Management, Dr.D.NisarAhmed, Director,MEASI Institute of Management and Janab Nasrullah Sahib, Sports Secretary, EC member, MEASI Institute of Management.
THE MEASI Institute of Management organized sixth Edition of the Annual Sports Day Celebration–TRIUMPH’17 on 1st & 2nd FEBRUARY 2017.The theme of TRIUMPH ’17 was “Experience True Sporting” and the main objective was to develop a sporting spirit among students, a venue to display their physical prowess and gain hands on experience of organizing a sports day at a MIM in future. The sports Day began enthusiastically with a welcome speech by our beloved Director Dr.D.Nisar Ahmed, MEASI Institute of management. He welcomed the esteemed gathering and emphasized on the importance of sports in a child’s life. In his motivating speech he emphasized on how sports play an essential role in the holistic development of the students.

The Chief Guest, Mr.S.A.MD.Nasrullah, MEASI Sports Convenor inaugurated the sports meet and briefed that MIM has crossed leaps and bounds as far its growth is concerned. Its an ever growing institution and its Numero Uno Position in providing quality education and gives lot of importance to the sports events .The events were conducted by the Sports committee comprising of Mr.S.Vinoth, Mr.A.Appu and Mrs. W.Shabeena Shah, Assistant Professor of MIM. The students of MIM were categorised into six teams with energetic names like Iron Fist, Falcons, Spartans, Brave Bulls, Diabolo and Schatten Hawks.The students participated in the various events like Cricket, Football, Volleyball, Kabaddi, Shuttle, Tennicoit, Athletics, Badminton, Chess and Carom.

The events started with Inauguration Function at 9.30 AM on 1st February 2017. Dr.D.Nisar Ahmed, Director, MEASI Institute of management Presided over the day by tossing the coin for Kabaddi match.
The Sports events started off with Kabaddi matches between the teams of MIM.After this exciting start the various events lined up for the day quickly progressed. The much anticipated events volley ball and football were followed by cricket matches for boys and throw ball, Shuttle, Ball badminton for girls. The events were finished off with most energetic and cheered relay race for the boys where all the participants competed against each other.
In the Valedictory function , Dr.D.Nisar Ahmed , Director of MEASI Institute of Management in his welcomed the gathering and encouraged the students to participate in various intercollegiate tournaments conducted by colleges and bring laurels to the institution . Janab A.Mohammed Ashraf Sahib, Executive Director of MEASI in his valedictory address highlighted the importance of Sports events along with the Academics for the students. He also motivate the students of MIM to participate in the inter collegiate Sports fest in order to enhance the leadership quality , sportsmanship and a good way to meet new people and make new friends for the students .The Chief Guest for the valedictory ceremony was Janab .Althaf Alam , General Secretary –Karate Association of India, Referee Council and in his key notes address enlightened the audience with his speech highlighted the importance of Karate in the life of every individual. He also spoke how Karate provides perfect opportunity for the students to keep themselves meaningfully engaged .Finally he spoke about the time management which is necessary to achieve the goal. After announcement of the winners by the faculty members, the medals and certificate were distributed by the Chief Guest Janab .Althaf Alam and Executive Director Janab A.Mohammed Ashraf Sahib to the winners of each event.
Overall best performance in all events was also awarded and the winning team was also applauded. Spartans (II year ‘C’ batch) won the overall championship for the year 2017 for the mens category with 27 points and Schatten Hawks (I year “C” batch) won the overall trophy 2017 for Womens Category. Teaching and non teaching Staff of MIM extended their full support for the smooth conduct of all the events on time and also Our MIM Director Dr.D.Nisar Ahmed applauded the sports committee for making the event successful.It was a colourful and memorable day at MIM when the entire college came together and made it a huge success .