
Dr. S.G.Balaji

Dr. S.G.Balaji
S.G. Balaji, an associate professor with more than 20 years of teaching experience, has been an integral part of the management and leadership of several renowned institutions. He is a subject matter expert in service marketing and has competence in the field of marketing.
His writings have been published in national and international management magazines, and he has received more than 20 citations, which are evidence of his writing abilities.
M.Phil, Alagappa University, 2001
MBA University of Madras, 1998
- Member of Indian Academicians and Researchers Association (IARA)
- Member of Madras Management Association (MMA)
- Member of Indian Management Teachers Forum
Received Conference Grant of Rs. 50,000/- from Department of Civil Supplies and consumer protection, Government of Tamil Nadu, and organised 2nd International Conference of “Innovative Business Practices and Consumer protection in Digital world“ on 19th August 2017 in MEASI Institute of Management.
Publications in National and International Journals
January 2020
“Tracing the Patterns of Social Media Usage Among the MBA Students and its Impact on Tteir Academic Performance” – An Empirical Study in Heritage Multidisciplinary UGC Care listed Journal, Vol -68, Issue I JAN 2020, ISSN 0474-9030, Impact Factor: 6.8
June 2019
“Service quality and Patient satisfaction in Medical delivery system- Study reference to selected corporate hospitals in Tamil Nadu” Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIER), UGC Approved Journal No. 63975, ISSN No: 2349-5162, volume 6, Issue.6. Impact Factor: 5.87
“A Study on Buying Behaviour Pattern and Insight of Generation Z towards Unisex Bikes in Chennai” International Journal of recent Research Aspects (IJRRA), ISSN: 2349- 7688, Volume 6, Issue 2, PP- 79-82, Impact Factor: 1.235
April 2019
“A Study on Preference of Green Event Practices in Chennai City” Emperor Journal of Economics and Social Science Research, ISSN:2581-8643(O), Volume :1, Issue:4.
December 2018
“Measuring Effectiveness of Distribution Channel Practices among Merchants: An Empirical Study on Logistics Companies in Chennai City” Sumedha Journal of Management, (UGC Approved Journal ,Serial No: 46802) , Print ISSN : 2277-6753. Online ISSN : 2322-0449, Vol.7, N0.4, P.P.: 136-144, Impact Factor: 0.787.
“Role of Technology and Innovation in inducing the Buying Behaviour of Online customers –An Emprical study” Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) (UGC Approved Journal), ISSN: 2349-5162,Special Issue, PP.:59-70, ImpactFactor: 5.87
October 2018
“GenX Attitude towards online shopping – An Emprical Study” Journal of Management (JOM), (UGC Approved Journal), ISSN Print: 2347-3940 and ISSN Online: 2347-3959, Volume 5, Issue 5, P.P. 7-14, Impact Factor: 2.4352
January 2018
“Factors Influencing the Banking Customers to adopt E-Banking services in Kanyakumari District” Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management, (UGC Approved Journal), ISSN: 2249- 730, vol.8, N0.1 P.P:120-128, Impact Factor: 5.444
September 2017
“Determining The Effectiveness Of Shipscape Services And Cruise Passengers Profiling –An Empirical Study Of Cruis Tourism In Chennai Port” International Journal Of Logistics & Supply Chain Management Perspectives, volume No.6, Issue No. 3, P.No. 3140-3146, Impact factor: 7.175
July 2017
“Examining Medical Logistics and Supply Chain Management Performance: An Empirical Study on Medical Tourism Industry in Chennai City” Research Revolution International Journal of Social Science & Management Circulation in more than 95 countries, online open access, Double Blind peer Reviewed Journal, (Journal Approved by Standing Committee of UGC) Volume – V, Issue – 10, P.No. 112 – 115, ISSN:2319-300X, Impact Factor: 5.308
“An Experiential Study Of Contemporary Metro Rail Services: Commuters Experience Journey In Modern Chennai City”International Journal Of Advanced Research And Development,( UGC Approved Journal) Volume 2; Issue 4, Page No. 200-203ISSN 2455-4030, Impact Factor: 5.24
June 2017
“An Exploratory Study on Clientele Delight towards Professional Packers and Movers Services in Chennai City” International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review, ISSN -2395-1877, VOL 1I, Vol.1, Issue – 28, Page – 144-149. Impact Factor:4.164
February 2017
“Millennial’s Perception and Attitude towards Online Shopping – An Emprical Study” International Journal of Business Intelligence and Innovations, Special volume, Issue.4, ISSN:2348-4705, PP-575- 582.
April 2016
“Awareness and adoptability of E-Banking services in Kanyakumari District- An Empirical study” Asia Pacific Journal of Research, Vol.1 Issue. XXXVIII, ISSN:2320-5504, pp.1-5, Impact factor:6.58
“A Study to Measure the Effectiveness of Logistics Service Quality of Freight services in Chennai city” International Journal of Informative & Futuristic Research, Volume.3, Issue.8, ISSN: 2347 – 1697, PP. 2884 – 2892, Impact Factor : 5.081
March 2016
“A Study on Fleet Management towards Driver Safety in Taxi Cab Services” International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review, Peer Reviewed & Indexed Journal, Vol.1, Issue.3, ISSN -2349-6738, PP. 253- 256, Impact Factor : 3.029
“An Empirical Analysis of commuters perception towards small bus services in Chennai city” Asia pacific Journal of Research, A Peer Review International Jouranl, Volume .1, Issue. XXXVII, ISSN: 2320 – 5504, PP. 182-188, Impact F6.58
“A Study on Effectiveness of Logistics services in delivering Products to customers in Sugar Industries in Tamil Nadu” International Journal of Business and administration Research review, Peer Reviewed, Listed &Indexed Journal, Volume.2, Issue.1, ISSN: 2348 – 0653, PP. 227-234, Impact Factor: 3.072
“Factors influencing E-loyalty towards online Shopping – An Emprical study” International Journal of Management and social science Research Review, Peer Reviewed & Indexed Journal, Volume.1, Issue.3, ISSN: 2349-6738, PP-226 – 230, Impact Factor: 4.695
November 2015
“Awareness and Adoptability of E Banking Services in Kanyakumari District – An Emprical Study” Review of Research International Recognition Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Volume 5/Issue-2, ISSN: 2249 – 894X, PP 01-07, Impact Factor: 3.1402
September 2015
“Changing consumer behavior between Generation X and Generation Y on E-Tailing (online shopping) – An Empirical Study” International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, Volume No-2, Issue No. II, ISSN (print) 2348-0653, PP 212-217, Impact Factor: 3.072
August 2015
“A study on Emerging Trend of E-commerce in India: Issues and Challenges” International Journal of Management and Social Development, volume 2 / Issue 8, ISSN(Print) 2348-1919, PP 22-28. Impact Factor: 0.745
June 2015
“Role-School in Entrepreneurship Education in India” International Journal of Academic Research, volume.2/Issue -2(8), ISSN: 2348-7666. Impact Factor: 1.855.
March 2015
“A study on the Level of Emotional Intelligence amoung employees and its Impact on work Environment” International Journal of Business Intelligence and Innovations, Volume 1/Issue 2, ISSN: 2348-4705. PP135-142.
June 2013
“Service Quality Dimensions and its effect on customer satisfaction: A case study across the private banks in Trichy” International Journal of Management Research and review, Volume 3/Issue 6/Article No-7/2986-2991, ISSN: 2249-7196.
February 2012
“Influence of Demographic Variables on Banking service Quality: A study of Private sector Banks in Chennai” The IUP Journal of Bank Management, Vol.XI, No.1, ISSN: 0972-6918, PP. 70-96.
September, 2011
“Banking Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: A Comparative Study of Public and Private Sector Banks in Chennai” JM International Journal of Marketing Management, Vol.1, Issue-6, ISSN: PRINT-2230-701X, PP. 495-507.
June, 2011
“Influence of Demographic Variables on Banking service quality – A Study of Public Sector Banks in Chennai” Journal of Contemporary Research in Management, Vol.6; No.2, ISSN: 0973-9785, PP.69-89.
April 2011
“Creating Ecological value: An Evolutionary approach from business to Business” SRM Management Digest, Volume: 9, ISSN: 0973-6905, PP. 309-314.
“Exit Interview and their Empanelment: The current scenario” SRM Management Digest, Volume: 9, ISSN: 0973-6905, PP. 315-319.
January 2011
“Employee Creativity and Managerial Responsibility: A Critical Study” click here
June 2006
“Attitude towards Internet Advertising in Chennai city” Osmania Journal of Management, Osmania University, Hyderabad.Vol.2, pp.109 – 117.
April 2006
“The Emerging prospective and challenges in rural marketing” SRM Management digest, Vol.4, pp. 59 – 62.
“A Study on passengers attitude towards the city Bus services in Chennai city” SRM Management Digest, Vol. 1, pp. 106-112.
“Opportunities for Electronic Goods in Rural Market” Management Insight Journal of D.G. Vaishnav College, Vol.1, P.4.
- Presented a Paper Titled “ A Study on Buying Behaviour Pattern and Insight of Generation Z towards Unisex Bikes in Chennai” in the National Conference on “ Technological Innovations in Management,Engineering and science” organized by SRM University, Delhi – NCR, Sonepat, India on 26th and 27th April, 2019.
- Presented a Paper Titled “Role of Technology and Innovation in inducing the Buying Behaviour of Online customer- An Empirical Study” in the 4th National Conference on “ The Sustainable Development Goals: Implementation and Transformation” organized by Measi Institute of Management on 12th December 2018.
- Paper Titled ““A study on sustainability of IPL 2013 schedule” is published in social and economic innovations, trends, forecasts and perspectives conference proceedings of the 1st International conference held in Russian State Social University (Stavropol Branch). RUSSIA On 12th March 2015 with ISBN: 978-5-9596-1125-5, PP.203-208.
- Presented a Paper Titled “A Study on the Level of Emotional Intelligence among employees and its Impact on work environment” in the UGC sponsored National Seminar on Human Resource Management: Issues and Perspectives for sustainable development & excellence, organized by the Department of Management studies, University of Madras on 6th and 7th March 2015.
- Presented a Paper Titled “Measuring service quality in Retail Banking by using BSQ” in International Conference on Management practices beyond the Horizon organized by Glow plus training academy and International Conference on Management practices beyond the Horizon organized by Glow plus training academy on 7th March 2015.
- Presented a Paper Titled “A study on consumer Behaviour towards Audio Music Industry in India” in International Conference on Managing Globalization Trends and Challenges organized by Measi Institute of Management, chennai -14 on 27th February 2015 which Included in the conference proceedings of edited volume of Book with ISBN:978-81-929959-2-2
- Presented a Paper Titled “Globalization and its Impact on Transportation system and Logistics Operations” in International Conference on Managing Globalization Trends and Challenges organized by Measi Institute of Management, chennai -14 on 27th February 2015 which Included in the conference proceedings of edited volume of Book with ISBN:978-81-929959-2-2
- Presented a paper Titled “ A Study on sustainability Reporting practices of leading IT companies in India” organized by MEASI Institute of Management, chennai -14, on 9th April 2013 which is included in the conference proceedings of edited volume of Book with ISBN: 978-81-923796-0-9.
- Presented a paper Titled “Effective Factors influencing medical tourism destination choice” organized by MEASI Institute of Management, chennai -14, on 9th April 2013 which is included in the conference proceedings of edited volume of Book with ISBN: 978-81-923796-0-9
- Presented a paper Titled “Naturing a positive work environment for managing workforce under performance” organized by MEASI Institute of Management, chennai -14, on 9th April 2013 which is included in the conference proceedings of edited volume of Book with ISBN: 978-81-923796-0-9
- Presented a Paper Titled “Factors Determining Banking Service Quality- A study of Public Sector Banks in Chennai” in the 2nd National Conference on “New Paradigm in Management” Samskrit’11 organised by 2nd National Conference on “New Paradigm in Management”in association with Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) on 19th February 2011 which included in the conference Proceedings CD with ISSN: 2231-3710.
- Presented a Paper Titled “Banking Service Quality and Customer satisfaction: A Comparative study of Public and Private sector Banks in Chennai” in Athenaeum 2011, 5th International Conference on Management Research organised by Bharathidasan Institute of Management (BIM) and Centre for Contemporary Management Research (CECMAR), Tiruchirappalli – 620014, Tamil Nadu on 12th and 13th February 2011 which included in the conference proceedings CD with ISBN: 0230-33261 -7.
- Presented a Paper Titled “Mobile Money: The Next e-Revolution in India” in the National Conference on Management in the Age of Innovation organized by Jamal Institute of Management (JIM), Unit of Jamal Mohammed College, Tiruchirappalli – 620020, Tamil Nadu on 25th January 2011 which included in the conference proceedings of edited volume of Book with ISBN: 978-81-909104-0-8.
- Presented a Paper Titled “Direct Tax Code 2011: An Overview and its Impact” in UGC sponsored National conference on Fiscal Policy Issues and Challenges Facing India in the 21st Century organized by PG Department of Economics, Arignar Anna Government Arts College, Cheyyar – 604 407, Tamil Nadu in collaboration with Madras Institute of Development Studies on 20th and 21st January 2011 which included in the conference proceedings of edited volume of Book with ISBN: 978-93-80730-00-4.