
Dr. D.Charumathi

Dr. D.Charumathi
[email protected]
Academic Domain: Accounting and Finance, MarketingCharumathi, an Assistant professor, has over two decades of experience teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students. Her mastery in subjects such as Finance, accounting, and Marketing has allowed her to teach tough syllabuses to the students using the simplest of methodologies.
Her vigor for finance and marketing has allowed her to publish several publications on those subjects, which also helps her give the best and latest information to her students.
MFC, Alagappa University – 2002
NET – UGC, 1999
Publication in Journals
June 2019
“A Study on Dimensions of consumer-based brand equity with reference to automobile industry” TSM Business Review International Journal of Management, Peer Reviewed Journal, Volume 7, ISSN 2348-3784 PP26-34
March 2019
“Impact of E-Recruitment on Supply of Human Resource with reference to Consultancy Industry in India”, Journal of ELT and Education, (JEE), An International refereed Journal, ISSN 2618-1290 (Print), ISSN 2663-1482 (Online), Volume 2, Issue I, PP. no. 48-53.
December 2018
“ Shopping Motivations on Internet- A Study with reference to hedonic value” Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) (UGC Approved Journal),Journal, ISSN 239-54, Special Issue, PP. 147-158 Impact Factor 5.87
March 2018
“Consumer Behaviour towards effective after-sale services with special reference to automobile industry” International Journal of Business Intelligence and Innovations, ISSN 2348-4705, Special Issue Volume I,PP98-103
February 2018
“A Study on Consumer Behaviour towards service quality in Online Shopping”Shanlax International Journal of Management, (UGC Approved Journal) A Peer reviewed Refereed Scholarly Journal, ISSN2321-4643, Volume 5, Special Issue 2, PP.309-316 Impact Factor 2.082
September 2017
“Consumer Perception on online shopping : An Analysis”Annamalai International Journal of Business Studies & Research,( UGC Approved Journal), A Peer Reviewed, Global Impact factor Journal, Vol.8, Issue 3, PP.No 136-145. ISSN: 0975-969X. Impact Factor: 1.253
October 2017
“Impact of Hedonic Shopping Motive on Online Purchase Decision” Journal of Management (JOM), (UGC Approved) Refereed Scholarly Journal, ISSN No: 2347 3940 Vol.4, Issue 2, October 2017, PP.No 519-524, Impact Factor 2.4352
“An Empirical Study on Consumer Behaviour towards Online Shopping” International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management (IJRCM), (UGC Approved) Peer reviewed Refereed Scholarly Journal, ISSN No: 0976 – 2183 Volume 8, Issue 10, October 2017, PP.No 9-12. IC Value – 5.09,
August 2017
“A Study on Consumer Behaviour towards Online Purchase Intentions“ Journal of Applied Research and Social Science (ARS), (UGC Approved Journal), A Peer reviewed Refereed Scholarly Journal, ISSN 2350-1472, Volume 4, Number 15, August 2017,PP.10-16, Impact Factor 1.8382.
December 2016
“Impact of online shopping on the purchase behaviour of consumers in Chennai City” Eastern European Journal of Regional Studies, Peer reviewed Refereed Scholarly Journal ISSN No. 1857-436X, e-ISSN No 2537 6179, Volume 2 Issue 2 PP. No 66 – 73
October 2015
“Making of Digital India” International Journal of Business Intelligence & Innovations, ISSN No. 2348 4705, Volume 1 Issue 1 PP no. 143 – 151
“Digital Marketing in India” International Journal of Business Intelligence & Innovations, ISSN No. 2348 4705, Volume 1 Issue 1 PP no. 97-114
August 2015
“Impact of online market towards purchase behaviour of consumers in Chennai city” International Journal of Business Intelligence & Innovations, ISSN No. 2348 4705 , Volume II Issue II. PP. no. 33-38.
September 2015
“An Analysis on online shopping behaviour among consumers in Chennai city” Journal of Green & Sustainable Development (GSD), (UGC Approved Journal), A Peer reviewed Refereed Scholarly Journal, ISSN 2350 1464, Volume 2 No.18, PP. no.25-34, Impact Factor: 1.8482
March 2015
“A Study on client’s perception on the services rendered by Advocates” International Journal of Exclusive Management Research, ISSN online -2249 – 2585, Print – 2249 – 8672, Volume 5, PP.No 62-69, Published by Archers & Elevators..ImpactFactor 5.32
“A Study on Quality of Worklife of Lawyers” Journal of Applied Research and social sciences, (UGC Approved Journal), A Peer reviewed Refereed Scholarly Journal, ISSN 2350 1472 Volume 2, March 2015, PP. no. 20-29, Impact Factor:1.739
“Ethics in Legal Profession” International Journal of Business Intelligence & Innovation, ISSN 2348 4705, Volume – 2 March 2015, PP.No. 207-213
April 2019
Presented a Paper Titled “A Study on Digital Banking System and Measuring its effectiveness among the customers in Chennai City” National Conference on “Technology Innovations in Management, Engineering and Sciences” organized by SRM University, Delhi on 26th and 27th April 2019.
December 2018
Presented a Paper Titled “Shopping Motivation on Internet- A Study with reference to the hedonic Value” in the 4th National Conference on “The Sustainable Development Goals: Implementation and Transformation” organized by MEASI Institute of Management, Chennai on 12th December 2018
March 2018
Presented a Paper Titled “Consumer Behaviour towards after sale services” International Conference on “Emerging Trends in the domain of Business Analytics” organized by ThirurhangalNadar College, Chennai, on 10th March 2018.
February 2018
Presented a Paper Titled “A Study on consumer behaviour towards service quality in Online shopping ”National Conference on “Digital Economy and Green Management: Role of Banks, Payment ,Gateways and Consumers” organized by Guru Nanak College, Chennai, on 24th February 2018.
October 2017
Presented paper Titled “Impact of Shopping Motives in Online Shopping” International Conference on “Implementation Strategies for Sustainable Innovation”organised by D.G.Vaishnav College for Women, Chennai, on 25th October 2017.
September 2017
Presented Titled “Consumer Perception on Online Shopping: An Analysis” International Conference on “Social Science for Sustaining Business & Economy in Global Marketorganized by Sai Ram Institute of Management Studies, Chennai, on 20th& 21st September 2017.
August 2017
Presented paper Titled “Consumers Perception of risk in online shopping” International Conference on “Innovative Business Practices and Consumer Protection in digital world” organized by MEASI Institute of Management, Chennai, on 19th August 2017.
October 2015
Presented paper Titled “Digital Marketing in India” National Conference on “Digital future a giant step forward” organized by Ethiraj College for women, Chennai, on 8th October 2015.
Presented paper Titled “Making of Digital India” National Conference on “Digital future a giant step forward” organized by Ethiraj College for women, Chennai, on 8th October 2015.
August 2015
Presented paper Titled “Impact of Online market towards purchase behaviour of consumers in Chennai city” International Conference on “Emerging trends in Business paradigm” organized by Jaya College of Arts and Science, Chennai on 28th August 2015.
March 2015
Presented paper Titled “Ethics in legal Profession” in International conference on “Managing Business horizons”organized by DG Vaishnav College, Chennai on 7th March 2015.
February 2015
Presented paper Titled “Client’s perception on involvement and commitment of lawyers” in International Conference on “Managing Globalisation trends and challenges”organised by MEASI Institute of Management, Chennai, on 28th February 2015
November 2011
Presented paper Titled “Innovation in Education in India – A Perspetive” in International Conference on “Unleashing the Innovation potential” organized by Ethiraj College for women, Chennai in association with ISTD Chennai chapter on 26th November 2011.
September 2011
Presented paper Titled “Impact of Economic meltdown in FDI with reference to Telecom Sector” National Seminar on “Impact of Economic Meltdown on World Economies” organized by Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College, Chennai, on 28th September 2011
Presented paper Titled “Contemporary issues in E-Banking” in National Conference on “Emerging trends in Global Business”organised by RVS Institute of Management Studies & RVS College of Engineering & technology, Coimbatore, on 10th September 2011.
April 2011
Presented paper Titled “Service Quality in Indian Service sector” in National conference on “Strategic Management Approach: Opportunities and Challenges for Indian Corporates” organized by Valliammai Engineering College, SRM Universiy, Chennai, on 8th April 2011.