Hameed Kan

Dr. T.A.M.Hameed Kan

Dr. T.A.M.Hameed Kan
T.A.M. Hameed Kan, an associate professor with more than 20 years of expertise teaching both undergraduate and graduate students, has extensive mentoring experience. Quantitative Techniques, Operations Research, Accounting, and Finance are some of his areas of expertise.
Because of his passion for the subject, he has written articles on behavioral finance and other financial-related subjects. He investigates recently impacted industries and how they effect both domestic and foreign finance.
MBA, University of Madras, 1999
SLET (National Level Eligibility for Lecturers),
Bharathidasan University, 2000
- Received “Teaching Excellence Award 2019” for achieving cent percent result during the academic year 2018-19 for the subject Applied Operations Research and Corporate Finance.
- Received a grant of Rs 20,000 from the Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education and Management for conducting a one day National Seminar on the strategies to overcome the current economic recession held on 09-2-2010.
Publication in Journals
April 2019
“A study on customer relationship management in Al-Furqan International Tanners” Asia Pacific Journal of Research (APJR) a UGC approved journal peer reviewed international journal, ISSN 2320-5504, Volume 1, Issue XCVIII, April 2019, PP. 50-54, Impact factor 6.58.
March 2019
“Growth in Online Shopping with the help of Digital Marketing – An Empirical Study” International Journal of Advanced Research in Management, Architecture, Technology and Engineering, (IJARMATE) a monthly peer reviewed journal, Volume V, Issue III, March 2019, PP 130-138, Impact factor 4.231
January 2019
“Factors influencing the buyers in the fragrances market – A case study” Ajanta a UGC approved peer reviewed international journal, ISSN 2277 – 5730, PP 109-118, Volume VIII, Issue 1, January – March, 2019, Impact factor 5.5
August 2017
“An Introspection on the Sources of Information on Investment – Salaried Class IT Employees Perspective”Shanlax International Journal of Management, a peer reviewed international journal, ISSN 2321-4643, Volume 5 Special Issue 3, PP 257-260, August 2017.
January 2015
“Investors Perception towards Investment – An IT Employees Perspective” Journal of Applied Research and Social Sciences, a peer reviewed and referred fortnightly International journal, ISSN 2350 – 1472, PP 12-30.
February 2015
Presented a paper titled “Investors Preference towards the various investment avenues” in International Conference on Managing Globalization Trends and Challenges organized by MEASI Institute of Management, Chennai, on 27th of February, 2015 and included in the conference proceedings of edited volume of book with ISBN: 978-81-929959-2-2.
September 2009
Presented a paper titled “Recession and Analysis on the Investment Practices of Investors” in International Conference organized by Sri Sairam Engineering College, Pammal, on the 24th and 25th of September, 2009 and included in the conference proceedings of edited volume of book.
March 2019
Presented a paper title “Image of leadership” in the National Conclave on Emerging Dimensions of Human Resource & Marketing Practices on the 26th of March, 2009 and included in the conference proceedings of edited volume of book.