Latha Lavanya

Dr. B.Latha Lavanya

Dr. B.Latha Lavanya
B.Latha Lavanya, Associate Professor has vast experience in teaching in various capacities. Her specialties include Logistics and SCM, Hospitality Management, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship, and Marketing. She is a recipient of several awards which are nationally recognized for her teaching and research work, notably being awarded the Rajya Puraskar Award in 1990 and Rashtrapati Award in 1991.
Her field of study has provided her with the means to impart knowledge to young entrepreneurs and to raise them up to become successful company leaders.
M.Phil., Alagappa University, 2006
MBA, University of Madras, 2006
PGDL & SCM, Bharathiar University, 2019
- Best faculty in management award 2014 from Education Today.
- Research excellence award 2017 Indo Global Education.
- Award for teaching excellence By GMRAF awards 2019 Dec 29th, 2019
- Best women researcher of the year award By GISR Foundation on 18th Jan 2020 in Noida, Delhi.
ICSSR: Perception about Transgender
Special Call for Studies Focusing on Social Science Dimensions of Covid-19 Corona virus Pandemic
Published and presented a paper on Value Education towards empowering society through holistic approach on 31 Jan 2020 in an International Conference on Empowering society through holistic approach in higher Education in Tamil Nadu teachers Education University
Published and presented a paper on “Role of green human resource management in the development of society- A case study, on 3rd March 2020 in International conference on Innovation and challenges in Global Business.
Published and presented a paper on “GEN Z MILLENNAIL MANAGERS -AN EXPLORATORY STUDY, on 3rd March 2020 in International conference on Innovation and challenges in Global Business.
Published and presented a paper on “ANALYZING THE EFFECT & AWARENESS OF VICTIMIZATION AMONG THE COLLEGE STUDENTS IN CHENNAI” on 6th March 2020, International conference on BNXT- 2020, Loyola College, Nungambakkam, Chennai.
Published and presented a paper on, “Impact of Green Logistics-An attempt in improving the Environmental Sustainability” on International Conference on “HUMAN CAPITAL INNOVATION AND ITS PRACTICES – (ICHCIP- 2K20)” to be held on 6th March 2020.
Presented a paper entitled “Technology Adoption In Futuristic Solid Waste Management To Empower Village Communities: A Case Study In Southern District Of Tamil Nadu” International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) (Jan 2019)
Published an article titled “Organizational growth attainment through effective Knowledge Management” Vol viii Issue 1, in the Ajanta peer reviewed referred and UGC listed Journal.
Presented a paper entitled “Analyzing Key Performance Indicators for improving CRM in Airline” International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research ( An International Open Access Journal ), ISSN: 2349-5162, Special Issue, Impact Factor:5.87 (Feb 2019).
Published a paper “Emerging Trends in Rural Marketing” in Global Multidisciplinary Research & Academic Foundation on 29th December 2019.
Published an Article “Antecedents and Consequences of Child Abuse” in Indian Journal of Science and Technology in Volume 14(47) DOI 10, 1745 on December 2019 in Scopus Publication No. (0974-6846).
Published an article titled “A study on exploring the factors that influence brand equity in automobile sector” Special Issue in the International Journal of Exclusive Management Research
Published an article titled “Women Empowerment in Reality is still a dream-An Explorative Study” Vol 6, Special Issue in the Shanlax International Journal of Commerce an UGC Approved Journal.
Published an article titled “Analyzing key performance indicators for improving CRM in Airlines Sector” ISSN: 23495162, Impact Factor: 5.87, in the International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research.
Published an article titled “Technology Adoption in Futuristic Solid Waste management to Empower village communities: A Case Study” E ISSN 23481269 P ISSN 2349 5138, in the International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR).
Published an article titled “A Study on Metacognition and Analyzing Metacognitive Behavior among MBA Students in B School” ISSN 1943023X, in the Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems.
Published an article titled “A Study on Exploring the Individual Factors that Affect the Role of Women in Higher Education” Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry 2018; Vol 13 SP (Engineering and Science SP): EJAC181212 Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry.
Published an article titled “HR Metrics Work Force Approach – An Empirical Study’ ISSN No. (Print): 0975-8364 ISSN No. (Online): 2249-3255, International Journal on Emerging Technologies.
Published an article titled A STUDY ON EXPLORING THE FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE BRAND EQUITY IN AUTOMOBILE SECTOR, International Journal of Exclusive Management Research Special Issue.
Published an article titled, “Analyzing key performance indicators for improving CRM in Airlines Sector, International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, ISSN: 23495162 Impact Factor: 5.87.
Published an article titled “ An Empirical Study on Sales Promotion, UGC Approved Journal Shanlax International Journal of Commerce, Vol 6, Spl. Issue March 2018.
Published an article titled “Effect of Organizational Commitment, Motivation, Attitude towards Work on Job Satisfaction, Job Performance and Turnover Intention”- VUCA Perspective”, IAEME Journals Journal of Management (JOM), Volume 5, Issue 4. July-August 2018).
Published an article titled, “A Study on Exploring the Individual Factors that Affect the Role of Women in Higher Education” Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry, Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry 2018; Vol 13 SP (Engineering and Science SP):emEJAC181212.
Published an article titled, “ Emerging Trends in Rural Marketing Recent and changing trends in Management, Economics, Commerce, Social Sciences and Humanities, ISBN 978-93-89658-040.
Published an article on” A Study on Employee Attrition: Inevitable yet Manageable, IJBMI International Journal of Business and Management Invention (IJBMI), ISSN (Online): 2319 – 8028, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 801X || Volume 6 Issue 9 || September. 2017 || PP—38-50 2017 || PP—38-50.
Published a paper “A study to find the level of satisfaction of patients in hospitals” in IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Volume-20 on July 2015.
Published a paper “An Empirical study on the patients prospective seeking to infertility clinic” in the International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review (IJMSRR) – Volume-1 on July 2015.
Published a paper “Effect of organizational commitment, motivation, attitude towards work on Job satisfaction, Job performance and Turnover Intention” in the 2nd HR Summit and International Conference, IIM Raipur on August 2015.
Published a paper ANTECEDENTS AND CONSEQUENCES OF CHILD ABUSE on 15th and 16th October 2015, in ISC 38th Annual Conference by Indian Society of Criminology.
Published an Article on “An Empirical Study on Call Taxi Advt and its effect NIMS Journal of management Research , Vol-2, issue-1 June 2013, ISSN 2278-2362.
Published an Article on “An empirical Study on Quality of Work-life in the changing workplace and societal set-up, Pacific University, Enhancing Human Capabilities: Big Challenge in Indian Perspectives in ISBN NO.9789351746867.
Published an Article on “A Study to find the level of Satisfaction of Patients in Hospitals, in International Organization of Scientific Research Journal of Humanities and Social Science E-ISSN-2279 0837, P-ISSN-22790845
Presented a Paper Titled “Evaluation of factors affecting Knowledge Management ISBN 978-93-81006-44-3 on 10th& 11th Dec 2012, in International Conference on Knowledge Management by Madras Christian College.
Published a Paper Titled “Antecedents of Knowledge Sharing in International Journal of Business Insights and Transformation, IJBIT is a bi-annual journal, Vol 5, issue 2. ISSN 0974-5874.
Published a Paper Titled “Knowledge Sharing in IT Sector” ISBN P78-9380627-18-2-PP-181-185,Oct, 2012, in Impact of Economic crisis in global Business Scenario.
Presented an article titled “ A Study on Attrition in Hospitality Industry. ICIMS 2011,ISBN-978-981-08-9175-6, on Sept 16-18 2011, in Singapore, Vol.14, pp. 348 in an International Conference on Innovation, Management and Services-ICIMS 2011.
Presented an article titled “ A study of knowledge sharing of employees in information technology industries. ISBN-978-81-8371-385-6 on May, 6-7, 2011. Chennai, pp. 138-140 in International Conference on Business Strategies on Corporate Race: Multidisciplinary Global Perspective conducted by Dhanalakshmi Srinivasa Engineering College.
Presented an article titled “Antecedents of Organizational learning on Mar 24-26 2011,Chennai in Third Annual International Conference on Global Business.
Presented and published an article titled A Study on the present status of the students Ethical Behavior. JOURNAL OF EMPHIRICAL RESEARCH IN MANAGEMENT (JERM). ISSN NO: 2249-1864 on Aug 26, 27 2011,Chennai page. 80-86 in VEL TECH HIGH TECH Rangarajan Sakunthala Engineering College.
Presented and published an article titled, “ Examining the factors affecting the growth of International business ISBN.NO.978-81-8371-383-2, on March 22, 2011, Chennai. page. No. 27-28, in National Conference on Opportunities and challenges in the current Global Business Scenario published by Rajalakshmi Engineering College.
Presented and published an article titled, Knowledge sharing barriers on Feb, 19 2011, Chennai in 2nd National conference on New paradigm on management organized by S.A. Engineering College.
Presented and published an article titled “A Study on Individual Competency-An empirical study, on 2011. Vol.1, Issue.3,pp. 15-166.E-ISSN: 2222-6737, pp.339-350 in Asian Economic and Financial Review.
Presented and published an article titled “Knowledge Sharing that enhance Organizational Performance on 2011 ISBN:No. 978-81-7446-889-5 in Building Global leadership, Strategies and Competencies, by Excel Books.
Presented an article titled “Organizational citizenship behavior: Evaluating organizational efficiency and success through knowledge sharing on March 2011, Vol.5, Issue.1, pp.24-29. ISSN:NO. 973-8266. in The Journal, Contemporary Management research.
Presented an article titled “Knowledge sharing in IT Sector ISBN.NO.978-93-80627-18-2. Book Impact of Economic Crisis in Business scenario on Sep 24,25, 2009, Chennai, pp-181-185 in 3rd International Conference on the Impact of economic crisis in Global Business Scenario by Sai Ram Institute of Management Studies.
Presented an article titled “ Determinants of the Individual knowledge sharing behavior in IT sector ISSN.NO.09740406, ISBN-978-81-907839-4-1, on July 16-18, 2009, Chennai pages 37-47, in a International Conference on Indigenous Management Practices (ICIMP) by Annamalai Journal of Management, Special Issue.
Presented and published an article titled “Knowledge sharing influences organizational learning ISBN-978-81-907494-2-8 on 21st, 22nd and 23rd Dec, 2009, Coimbatore, pp.242-250 in National Conference on Challenges and Issues in Services Marketing to be held on 17th March 2011 by SNR Institute of Management Sciences, SNR Sons College (Autonomous), Coimbatore 641 006.
Presented and published an article titled Knowledge sharing that enhances organizational performance ISBN-978-81-7446-846-8 on April 16, 2010, Chennai , pp. 339-350, in National conference on Building Global Leadership, St.Joseph’s college of Engg,
Presented Paper in International Conference on “Impact of Economic Crisis in Global Business Scenario” TITLE OF THE PAPER:”A Study on the impact of ATM among professionals in Chennai City” held aSri Sairam Institute of Management Studies,Chennai on 25&26 September 2009.
Presented paper in National Conference at “SreeSastha Institute of Engineering and Technology”, Chennai on “An Assessment of Indian Retail Banking in Chennai City”.
Presented an article titled “ The study on the Impact of the Demographic variables on Knowledge sharing in IT, Dec 28-31, 2008.Geater Noida in Sixth AIMS International Conference on Management.