Recruiter Testimonials

Anusha N S
Senior Associate - Ernst & Young LLP
Ms. Afsheen Arifa Khadija joined Ernst & Young LLP on 13th January 2020 as an Intern. Afsheen has been proactive, and was able to execute the given tasks with minimal supervision, and has been much helpful in understanding and ensuring the smooth running of the tasks assigned to her in a short period.
HR Manager - Fynsea
We have been conducting a campus drive at the MEAS! Institute of Management. The quality of the students from MEASI is extremely good and the ones who we placed from the campus recruitment are truly an asset to our organization.
Naveen Prakash
Cofounder - Global Logistics
I am happy that we were able to offer job opportunities to seven MBA students from the MEASI Institute of Management. I came across some amazing talent during my visit and I would recommend that employers invest in these young minds to help you build their business.
Umesh Golecha
Managing Director - Consulting & Beyond
Since its founding, Consulting and Beyond has been hiring MBA graduates from various institutions. For the class of 2020-2022, it was our first time taking part in MEASl’s recruitment, and we are happy to be associated with the B-School. We were ecstatic with the response we received, with nearly half of the batch participating in the recruitment rounds and the top candidates being shortlisted and interviewed. The shortlisted individual had the traits and dynamism the company was seeking, and also had the necessary knowledge and communication skills. The company thanks Dr. Farhath for making this possible and hopes to connect with the institution again in the future.
Jerry Kingsley
Senior Director - JLL
JLL has been a part of MEASl’s recruitment drive for the class of 2020 – 2022, we are happy and thrilled to be assoc iated with a bunch of enthusiastic students who are about embark on their career. I have found that MEASI Institute of Management students have the same values we do, in particular to the commitment. standards and service excellence. The students are matured, quick to adapt and deliver, making them one of the preferred choices for us. I’ll be looking forward to many more associations with MEASI in the future.
Pradeep Lakshmanam Palaniswamy
Sales Manager - Home Lane
We are pleased to recruit three candidates from MIM. Syed, Kaviya and Divya proved us right with their incredible dedication and commitment towards work. Even though they are new to the corporate setup, their enthusiasm and hunger to succeed is infectious. We would like to have more such talents in the future.