Shabeena Shah

W.Shabeena Shah

W.Shabeena Shah
Academic Domain: Marketing, Strategic Management, Operations
W. Shabeena Shah, Assistant Professor, has over two decades of experience with international exposure in teaching, which gives her the edge to comfortably adapt in a diverse environment. Her areas of expertise are Customer Relationship Management, Operations Management, Strategic Management, and Accounts for Managers.
Her passion for inspiring innovation in her students has always kept her in touch with the real workings of the business and the start-ups that come domestically and internationally.
MBA, University of Madras, 1996
M.Com, Alagapa University, 2003
M.Phil, Madurai Kamaraj University, 2003
NET – UGC, 2013
Prizes, awards, research grant received, grant received for seminars, symposium
Strategic marketing, consumer behaviour
Pursuing Doctorate in Management Studies – Social Media Marketing
- “Tracing the Patterns of Social Media Usage Among the MBA Students and Its Impact on Their Academic Performance – An Empirical Study, Our Heritage journal – UGC CARE Listed journal, Vol.68,Issue 1 January 2020, ISSN 0474 9030,
- Work stress and coping strategies among the employeesof IT industry in Chennai city- an analytical study. The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis IJAEMA, Volume XI, Issue VIII, August 2019 ISSN NO: 0886-9367
- A Study on Customer Satisfaction with Cab Drivers Service Quality at Gladwin Cabs PVT. LTD Emperor Journal of Economics and Social Science Research ISSN: 2581-8643 Volume – I Issue – 5th May – 2019.
- “Ensuring Good Health and Well Being Among the Employees At Work Place In IT Companies In Chennai City-An Analytical Study”, National Conference on technological Innovationin Management and Sciences SRM University Delhi, April 2019.
- A Study on Brand Positioning of Royal Chef Basmathi Rice in Chennai. International Journal of Advanced Research In Management, Architecture, Technology and Engineering (IJARMATE) Vol. 5, Issue 3, March 2019, ISSN (ONLINE): 2454-9762 ISSN (PRINT): 2454-9762
- Impact of water quality on the health of households in Tiruvallur district – An empirical study 2019 JETIR January 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1 (ISSN-2349-5162)
- Published a Paper in International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research Review: Volume 1 Issue no.32 February 2017, Impact factor: 4.695. Titled “Investor awareness on Sharia Compliant funds”, ISSN 2349 – 6738 (Print) ISSN – 2349-6746 (Online)
Currently Working on a market study to understand the Market potential for online Organic Grocery and Food. For Hotel Mount Manor.