
Dr. S.Vinoth

Dr. S.Vinoth
Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Academic Domain: Applied Operations Research, MIS, Operations Management, and Quantitative Techniques
S. Vinoth has more than 10 years of experience in Academic Institutions and manufacturing organizations. He is presently associated with MIM as an assistant professor. His specialties include data analytics, market research, statistical modeling, and providing practical training on Data Analysis using SPSS. He has published research papers in various reputed National and International Journals. He is a passionate cricketer and has represented MIM in intercollegiate tournaments.
M.B.A, University of Madars, 2007
B.E. Mechanical, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, 2004
SET, Bharathiar University, 2012 NET – UGC, 2007
- Assistant Professor, MEASI Institute of Management, Chennai (02.01.2012 to till date – 8 years 4 months).
- Assistant Professor, Guru Nanak College, Chennai, (04.10.2010 to 31.12.2011 – 1 year 3 months).
- Senior Executive – Business Development, Rane Holdings Limited, Chennai (21.01.2008 to 30.09.2010 – 2 years 8 months).
- “Man of the Match award” in the 20-20 cricket match against MEASI Academy of Architecture on 22nd Feb 2020 at the 55th Bukhari Memorial Trophy organised by The New College.
- “Teaching Excellence Award 2019” for achieving cent percent result during the Academic year 2018-19 for the subject “Management Information System”.
- Secured University Rank – IV in M.B.A (2007) among affiliated colleges of University of Madras.
Consumer behaviour, E-tailing, Brand Loyalty.
Online shopping intention of Gen X consumers.
May 2019
“Customer Retention practices at Chennai Port– An Empirical Study” International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering, (UGC Approved Journal), Peer Reviewed & Referred Journal, Volume IX, Issue V, ISSN : 2249-7455 PP.3962 -3976.
April 2019
“Customer Retention practices at Financial services sector – An Empirical study” Journal of Applied Research and Social Sciences, Peer Reviewed & Referred Journal, Volume 6, Issue 7, ISSN: 2350-1472, P.P. 28-42.
January 2019
“Role of Technology and Innovation in inducing the Buying Behaviour of Online customers –An Empirical study” Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) (UGC Approved Journal), ISSN: 2349-5162, Special Issue, PP.:59-70, Impact Factor: 5.87.
September-October 2018
“ GenX Attitude towards online shopping – An Empirical Study” Journal of Management (JOM), (UGC Approved Journal), Peer Reviewed & Referred, Volume 5, Issue 5, P.P. 7-14, ISSN Print: 2347-3940 and ISSN Online: 2347-3959, Impact Factor : 2.4352.
February 2017
“Millennials Perception and Attitude towards Online Shopping – An Empirical Study” International Journal of Business Intelligence and Innovations, Special volume, Issue.4, ISSN: 2348-4705, PP-575- 582.
March 2016
“Factors influencing E-loyalty towards online Shopping – An Empirical study” International Journal of Management and social science Research Review, Peer Reviewed, Listed & Indexed Journal, Volume.1, Issue.3, ISSN: 2349-6738, PP-226 – 230, Impact Factor: 4.695.
July–September 2015
“Changing consumer behavior between Generation X and Generation Y on E-Tailing (online shopping) – An Empirical Study” International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, Peer Reviewed, Listed & Indexed Journal Volume No-2, Issue No. II, ISSN (print) 2348-0653, PP 212-217, Impact Factor: 3.072.
April 2019
Attended national conference on ”Technological innovations in Management, Engineering and Science”(TIMES-2019), at SRM University , Sonepet-New Delhi , held 0n 26-27 April,2019.
March 2019
Presented International Conference on SRM College of Arts and Science, Kattanlulathur, “Eminent Management Practices – A Vision for Sustainable Business Growth 20th March, 2019.
Presented paper in International conference at S.A.Engineering College on” A study on customer preference towards branded watches” March 2019.
February 2019
Presented Paper in International conference on “An Analysis of service quality of retail Banks in Chennai City” Feb 27,2015 “Managing Global Trends and Challenges” at MEASI Institute of Management included in the conference proceeding of edited volume book with ISBN:978-81-929959-2-2.
September 2009
Presented Paper in International Conference on “Impact of Economic Crisis in Global Business Scenario” TITLE OF THE PAPER:”A Study on the impact of ATM among professionals in Chennai City” held the SriSairam Institute of Management Studies, Chennai on 25&26 September 2009.
Presented Paper in International Conference on “Impact of Economic Crisis in Global Business Scenario” TITLE OF THE PAPER:”A Study on the impact of ATM among professionals in Chennai City” held heSriSairam Institute of Management Studies,Chennai on 25&26 September 2009.
January 2008
Presented Paper in National Seminar on “Leadership Lessons for Millenium Managers”, at M.O.P.Vaishnav College for Women on 5th Jan,2008.
February 2007
Presented Paper in National Conference in “Emerging Trends in Human Resource Competencies “at the National Conference on “Fostering Organizational Talents: Current and Future Challenges “held on 26thFebruary, 2007 at Bharath University, Chennai.
Market Research, Data Analysis